Get a grip people
Unless youre a huge business owner distributing digital publications or print publications, stop telling other businesses how to make their money. This app is clearly a simple alternative to the print magazine. For me, it cleans up clutter in my home and keeps my purchased issues in one place of reference. True, you can get this stuff on the web in some places for free. If thats your thing, then do it. The ipad app isnt for you. Alot of these reviews are whiny. This app is what it is, simple. If you offer suggestions ( like a way to access exercise files) that will help improve the app, then maybe Web Designer will act on those. Giving it a 1 star and being a brat doesnt help anyone. 3 stars are considered pretty average, 1 star means it fails in every aspect. In my opinion this app is average, works and serves some purpose. I look forward to improvements. Thanks Web Designer for your efforts.
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Web Designer Magazine: HTML, CSS, Javascript